Reid & Harrison Services

Repairs & Parts

If your effluent equipment needs servicing or repair, we can do this on farm or in our well-resourced factory repair centre.

To have us visit your farm...

phone 07 8888224 or email: 

Note: Mileage and labour costs will apply

To bring your equipment to us...

phone 07 8888224 or email:

Reid & Harrison Farm Supplies Store is the reception for the Repairs and Service Division of Reid & Harrison. You can locate the Farm Supplies Store via Gate 2 Waihou St (behind the Reid & Harrison offices)

Note: Please let us know if urgent or if same day repair needed.


Repairs & Parts


A Convenient One-Stop- Farm Supplies Outlet

To keep your effluent system running smoothly, Reid & Harrison Farm Supplies now stocks equipment, parts, accessories and fittings from industry effluent and irrigation brands including... 

Enter via Gate 2 Waihou St (behind Reid & Harrison offices)


Repairs & Parts

Reid & Harrison Group Businesses

Reid Harrison
RH Services
RH Industrial
RH Performance