The Farm Dairy Effluent System Design Accreditation programme provides a new way forward for Effluent System Design in NZ. The programme goal is to ensure all NZ dairy farmers have effluent systems that can achieve dairy industry and wider communities expectations for the land application of dairy effluent:
Systems designed and installed by Reid & Harrison Services will meet:
You are invited to read the Farmer’s Guide for Farm Dairy Effluent (FDE) Systems. This gives good advice for planning the right system for your farm.
The Effluent W.O.F programme is insightful and practical, covering the entire effluent system.
We arrange an assessment, by a fully certified (by Dairy NZ) Warrant of Fitness Assessor.
A 3-4 hour assessment covers the farm’s effluent consents and permitted rules, the storage capacity, nutrient loadings, soil risk, irrigator performance, off-pasture infrastructure and general health and safety requirements.
Assessors point out areas of risk and suggest practical actions a farmer can take to ensure their system is capable of being compliant 365 days a year.