Sometimes ground conditions dictate the appropriate storage solution for liquid effluent: in-ground tank, above ground tank, pond, bunker, etc. Often however there are several workable options and we work with you to find the right solution based on personal preference, budget, management processes, etc.
Storage for separated solids may also be needed, to comply with ever-tightening environmental regulations.
We work closely with leading storage providers to deliver effective and durable installations.
We can even assist with the emptying of storage ponds, bunkers, and tanks, spreading the valuable nutrient across your farm.
The Pond/Tank calculation is run on the Dairy Effluent storage calculator. To have credibility, Dairy NZ recommends it be run by a professional who has an appropriate certification.
The calculator determines your farms storage requirement for Dairy effluent after looking at your farm inputs and rainfall/evaporation history. Your local compliance authorities normally ask for evidence of this calculation. We provide this service and will work through the scenarios with varying inputs to calculate the best outcome for you.
Even better, if you move on to an effluent system install with us based on the calculation, we will credit the cost of the original calculation service.