Reid & Harrison Services

Effluent Systems

Reid & Harrison Services is an industry leader with a wealth of industry experience and know how. We are a ‘Farm Dairy Effluent System’ design accredited company, and have a team of dedicated people specialising in all aspects of dairy effluent management from catchment to pasture, reducing the environmental impact and maximising the benefits of your ‘natural resources’.

Meeting the Standards. 

Reid & Harrison Services has always taken the recognisable position of ‘best practise policy’ helping farmers achieve their objectives whilst being environmentally sustainable. Since 2016 Reid & Harrison has been ‘Farm Dairy Effluent System’ design accredited.

Farm Specific 

With Reid & Harrison Services you have the confidence and peace of mind knowing you have a highly functional code compliant system that best suits your individual situation. The old adage ‘do it once - do it right’ has never made more economic sense than it does right now. When designing your effluent system we work with you to meet the code in a manner that best suits your resources, site, and operational requirements to achieve compliance 365 days of the year. This is why Reid & Harrison Services works hard to ensure your design is farm specific.  


Fdes Accredited Systems
FDES Accredited Systems
Case Studies
Case Studies
Distribution Infrastructure
Distribution Infrastructure
Storage Solutions
Storage Solutions
Separation Solutions
Separation Solutions
Electrical & Automation
Electrical & Automation

Reid & Harrison Group Businesses

Reid Harrison
RH Services
RH Industrial
RH Performance